Monday, February 20, 2012

Chiaroscuro Lighting

This photograph was taken and edited by Deviantart user Johnnylipp. The image captures only the necessary parts to let us know that this is a face, and it darkens more than half of it.

Gestalted Continuation

This is a never-ending grid of lines continuing in an upward and right motion. When separated, they are going separate ways. However, when combined, their directional goal shares common ground. - source: internet.

Indexical Sign

I often seen T-shirts like this in stores and see if I could find it online. The game that could be talked about may be one's freedom of certain actions or interactions with other people, events, etc. This may apply to both genders, but this is mostly geared towards men (at least in my opinion, but I think you could agree) - Internet source

Condensed Code

"Carnage Wants You!" as it would state in the cover of the second issue of the limited series "Carnage U.S.A." You've seen this probably in many different forms. Uncle Sam (in this case Carnage) wants you to join the good fight, when it really shows Carnage wants you to serve him--or you will get eaten and die. It can be funny when something as iconic as the poster of Uncle Sam can be thrown around in often the most wrong ways.

Figure-Ground Relationship

Can you notice anything that is forming through the trees and the boat on the lake? - by G. Sacrone of

Apparent Movement

Down the shaky roads of Chicago, I decided to go for something that was spur of the moment. This picture is the fruit of that result

Orange (and a little bit of red and pink) vs the Cool Colors

This section of the blanket made by my sister represents warm colors. Even though there are cool colors clashing with the orange, red, and pink areas, due to the amount of of the orange, this is classified mostly as a warm color element.

Asymetrical Room

Me and my sister were looking through art books and magazines that she happens to own. It is from the Architectural Digest and this sort of housing presents asymmetrical balance as the roofing is tilted so low, it cuts into the room itself

Chicago Vanishing Point

When I was out in outrageous traffic of Chicago (its worse than it looks), I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to take pictures since I was not driving. Though the shot isn't that great due to the amount of movement from the car and the lights sticking out at night. However, if you look beyond the white car in front of me, you can see a one-point perspective as the sides of the buildings start to collide together as the further you look.

Cool Colors

There were many elements consisting of cool colors in my sisters house. I found these rocks and since they consisted of shades of green, I thought these appealed to me the most. I really loved the smooth and rough textures of these stones as they are similar, yet different